The group was initiated when a group of Kenyans Living with Narcolepsy and their loved ones came together for a common cause that is, to create Narcolepsy awareness in Kenya and across Africa.


We would like to bring to your attention a special group of students who are suffering from Narcolepsy in our schools because of their ‘sleeping habits’ during class-time. Little do the teachers know about narcolepsy and its symptoms, so the students end up being victimized and punished for a condition they are not in control of.

Read more About Narcolepsy here>>>


We have Kenyan students who unknowingly fall asleep in class and teachers think they are pretending or disinterested and as a result they get punished. They are either beaten, punished, ridiculed or expelled. Worse still these students hardly finish the exams because they at times get the sleep attacks in the middle of an exam. Due to all these challenges, some contemplate suicide while others result to drugs. The largest group also drop out of school. It is very unfortunate because the society, which includes the parents and the teachers, is not aware of such a condition. However the few who are aware do survive after right diagnosis and counselling.


It’s our wish that your office will help us to reach out all those hopeless students and parents. At one time a group comprising of parents of the affected students struggled to raise awareness in the County under an organization NARCOLEPSY AFRICA FOUNDATION but later on they were unable to sustain the program due to lack of funds. The former Nakuru Governor Hon. Kinuthia Mbugua offered an office to carry out all our projects.

Funds are required for awareness programs, maintaining support groups, diagnosis which must be done by a specialized sleep doctor, counselling of the victims and if possible rehabilitation of those who have gone into depression and those doing drugs.

Our objective is to also collect the data of all narcoleptic students who are sitting for the National Exams this year i.e KCPE AND KCSE. The purpose of doing this is to inform the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) of the existence of this special group that has never been considered during the examinations.